A Different Christmas

We are coming to the end of 2020 and I don’t have much that I want to say about it. Instead, I am simply grateful that the Christmas Season is here, with the lights and decorations up in both public spaces and private homes. We need to see more light this year, not only the physical light of the sun or ornamental lights, but inner light. It’s been a dark year, regardless of whether you live on the sunny part of the planet or where the days are short and dark in December.

I wish you all much light to give you comfort and hope as you wait for the start of 2021 and, hopefully, a new beginning for all the people of earth. For all of us who have survived this pandemic I hope we will see joy again, and a restoration to life as we know it, as much as possible, with resiliency to face the challenges of inevitable change and new ways of living our lives.

I leave you with some photos of simple decorations that I have come upon on my walks and that have given me comfort. I wish I knew who took the time to lovingly decorate the trees in the park so that I could thank them for this simple gesture of kindness to gift beauty and joy to those who walk by. They are signs that the world will be all right as long as we, in our own way, give light to each other, and thereby, light to the world.

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas, a Feliz Natal, with many thanks to you for dropping by my blog this year. I don’t have many followers. Mine is a modest endeavour, but I am very grateful for those of you who have found me here. I enjoy meeting you on your blogs from where you are in Canada, USA, Philippines, South Africa, Portugal, Brazil, and other parts of the world. It always delights me to see new notices from each of you in my inbox and I look forward to your posts and your thoughts, photos, and writing in 2021. To all of you, a big thank you, a grande obrigado for your virtual presence and support.

I have done a Christmas post since I started my blog and have gathered them here in case you feel inclined to have a look:

Christmas Mourning (2016)

Presépio (2017)

Christmas Light/Luz de Natal (2018)

Les Santons de Charlevoix (2019)

Thank you to the person who lovingly placed this bow around the tree. May we all do something to make someone else feel special.

About thetorzorean

The musings of a torontonian azorean on identity and belonging. You can find me at https://thetorzorean.com/
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19 Responses to A Different Christmas

  1. Mrs. Carol L. Wells says:

    Thanks Emanuel. These are lovely photos that reflect the love and beauty and hope of many unknown persons, the beautiful surprise gifts of Christmas. Joy to you at this special season.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kathie B says:

    Such whimsy brightening your perambulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alex Antunes says:

    Lindas fotos!
    Como é bonita a decoração de Natal, tendo a neve como pano de fundo.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Emanuel, com as suas fotos viajei.
    A neve que adoro e adornam a paisagem de alguns países é encantadora, e os elementos decorativos de natal, a qual pintam o branco com as mais diversas cores são sublimes.
    Desejo-lhe um feliz natal, e partilho da sua esperança, que possamos trazer mais cores aos períodos cinzentos que por vezes nos assolam.
    Sendo assim, desejo-lhe uma festas felizes, onde a esperança, saúde, paz e amor abundem nesse dia e nos próximos que virão.
    Um forte abraço.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Um feliz Natal, Emanuel. Este foi de facto um ano muito estranho, mas acho que consegui, apesar de tudo, fazer com que se tornasse no melhor 2020 possível, dentro deste enquadramento que vivemos. Por isso, não poderia concordar mais com o que aqui escreveu!
    Como refere, foi um ano de novas descobertas aqui entre blogues, e o seu foi das melhores novidades! Que possamos continuar a escrever e desvendar histórias e aventuras nos próximos anos! Um abraço até ao Canadá!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dulcedelgado says:

    Em ambientes frios a luz e a cor tem ainda mais valor e sabor! Tão bonitas essas decorações no meio da natureza!
    É com esse espírito de festa que desejo ao Emanuel e a todos os que lhe são queridos, um feliz Natal, paz, saúde e tudo o que mais desejarem.
    E que 2021 permita continuar esses encontros virtuais de partilha. Afinal o acto de trocar é das coisas mais importantes que podemos fazer na vida!
    Um abraço.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ilda says:

    Part decoration, part faith, all solstice celebration, these decorations make our city and lives more fun and bearable in the long nights of winter. Good thing you recorded and shared them with us. Boas Festas!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Que fantástico post/texto!
    Tem sido um enorme prazer acompanhá-lo aqui no seu blogue e receber também as suas visitas habituais no meu blogue.
    E adorei as fotografias de todos os enfeites de Natal que se misturam bem com o cenário branco de neve. No fundo, é mesmo um “White Christmas”.😃

    Um grande abraço, que venha mais um ano de muitas partilhas!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I do agree with you! I enjoyed all the unusual Christmas decorations. All the best for the New Year and may it be a good year.

    Liked by 1 person

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