August Yellow Flowers in My Garden

There’s a cluster of yellow flowers that grace my garden towards the end of August. I don’t know their name, nor where they have come from.  I don’t remember planting them. Perhaps they were seeds blown in by the wind or left by some of the birds who regularly come to visit.

What matters, however, is the joy they bring me as I watch them move; for they do move and sway in the breeze, as if dancing with each other, or simply following the sun’s teasing light upon them.

They have a simple beauty that requires no fussing over. They just exist and I let them be. They remind me of our human relationships and how we should simply delight in each other’s company as we move to life.

The following photos were added on September 6, 2020

It is excessive of me to post yet more photographs of my yellow flowers, identified as Heliopsis Helianthoides by my friend and blogger, Valerie Ferrier, but I was just walking in the garden and took these new photos which I immediately thought to share on the blog.

About thetorzorean

The musings of a torontonian azorean on identity and belonging. You can find me at
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12 Responses to August Yellow Flowers in My Garden

  1. Ilda says:

    Could they be yellow daisies? They look quite wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Kathie B says:

    Re “left by some of the birds who regularly come to visit”: Yep, viable seeds can come out of either end of a bird. 🐦


  3. Heliopsis helianthoides or “false sunflower” is my best guess.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Carol Wells-Gordon says:

    I love how the sun’s rays cause the flowers’ petals to glow with such radiance. I also love your description of the sun teasing the flowers. Quite joyous as the garden slowly closes for another season. Lovely photos Emanuel.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. stevenc19 says:

    ‘Melo yellow’? Sorry I couldn’t resist – love this colour – it is so uplifting and the photos great as always!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Que beleza de amarelos! Lindas!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Rosetta McClain Gardens in Early September | Emanuel Melo torontonian azorean writer

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